First aid - Hints

Explore and prevent different types of injuries with this creative health game.

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Choose a situation from the game board and write down the related injury on the back side of the mobile school or on a piece of paper (e.g. bleeding nose, bee sting, fever, …). 


One player stands in front of the game and portrays the word or condition. 


The player must first indicate how much syllables and letters there are in the word or condition. 


The player can portray the entire word at once, or syllable by syllable. 


The first player from the audience to guess the word, gets a point. 


The game ends when all situations have been discussed. 

Extra game information

The game board shows several situations in which someone gets hurt (e.g. someone gets shot). 

Specific learning objectives

  • Raise awareness about the different kinds of wounds and the importance of being careful to prevent accidents or diseases. 

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