Overcoming Obstacles Together

Work together to overcome various challenges and tasks facing different disabilities.

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Everything you need to play this game

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Step 1

Make cards

Make cards with tasks or challenges to complete and laminate them, so they are sustainable. You can find some suggestions in the additional game information

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


Divide players into teams of two or three.


Assign each team a specific disability or challenge, such as wearing headphones, being blindfolded, having one arm tied behind their back, having one leg tied to the other, or not being able to speak.


Shuffle the cards with tasks or challenges and draw one card for each team.


Each team must work together to complete the task or challenge on their card using the tools they have available to them. (e.g., if the card says to build a tower with blocks, the team with one member with one arm tied behind their back will need to work together to build the tower using their other arm and the help of their team members).


Change tasks and disabilities.


The game continues until all teams have completed more than one task or challenge.


At the end discuss how the players experienced performing the task with a disability, why was one task for someone difficult and not for someone else?

Extra game information

Some suggestions for tasks or challenges

  • Build a tower using building blocks
  • Create a structure using only toothpicks and marshmallows
  • Recreate a famous painting or sculpture using modeling clay or play dough
  • Solve a (jigsaw) puzzle
  • Draw a picture while another team member provides verbal instructions
  • Complete an obstacle course
  • ...


  • To make the game more challenging, players can be given a limited amount of time to complete their task or challenge.
  • Players can also be given the option to create their own tasks or challenges to add to the game.

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