Snakes & Ladders

Try to avoid the snakes while moving from square 1 to 100 during this thrilling traditional board game

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


The player who throws the highest number with the dice gets to take the first turn. After the first player has finished his turn, the player standing to that player's left can take a turn.


The first player rolls the dice and moves the indicated number of spaces forward.


This player now completes the assignment that corresponds with the coloured square he arrives at (see Additional game info). To make the game easier, ignore this step.


The ladders on the game board allow the players to move upwards. If a player lands exactly on a square that shows an image of the bottom of a ladder, then he can move his bottle cap all the way up to the square at the top of the ladder.


Snakes move players downwards on the board. If a player lands exactly on a square that shows an image of the mouth of the snake, he must slide his bottle cap all the way down to the square at the bottom of the snake.


If a player throws a six, he gets an extra turn. First, he moves his bottle cap six squares forward and then he spins or throws the dice again. If he lands on any snakes or ladders, follow the instructions above.


The first player to reach the highest square on the board (square 100) wins. But if a player spins too high, his bottle cap "bounces" off the last square and moves back into the game board.

Extra game information

Assignments: there are six different activities that focus on six different skills, which are depicted by six different symbols and colours:

  1. SEARCH/COUNT: The street worker mentions an object, an animal, … that needs to be counted or a specific situation, object, person, … on a panel at the mobile school that needs to be searched. Colour: light green. Symbol: a looking glass.
  2. WORD GAME: There are different possibilities when a player reaches a 'word game' square: - The player describes a situation on a panel without using a certain word. - The player voices his opinion about a situation that is depicted on a panel. Colour: orange Symbol: a text balloon.
  3. DEPICT A PERSON OR AN ANIMAL FROM THE PANEL: The player chooses a person, animal or object from a discussion panel and depicts him/her/it. The other players guess who/what the player is depicting. Colour: dark green Symbol: a theater mask.
  4. DRAW A PERSON, AN ANIMAL OR AN OBJECT FROM THE PANEL: The player chooses a person, animal or an object from a discussion panel and draws/copies him/her/it. The other players guess who/what the child is drawing. Colour: blue Symbol: a pencil.
  5. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? The street worker points at a situation on a discussion panel. The players have to describe what, in their opinion, happens after that situation. Colour: pink Symbol: an arrow.
  6. WHAT DOES HE/SHE SEE? The street worker points at a person on a discussion panel, who is looking in a certain direction of who looks angry/sad/… The players have to describe what that person is looking at. Colour: red Symbol: an eye.


  • Use an easier way to end the game: the players don't need to land exactly on the final square. They can throw higher than they need to reach box 100 (the finish line).
  • Have each player play with two bottle caps, each of the same colour. When a player spins the dice, he can move one or two bottle caps by that amount.
  • Compete with your opponent: each player starts on square one. To take a turn, roll with two dice instead of one. The player chooses one dice and moves his bottle cap forward by that amount. With the remaining dice, he moves another player forward by the amount on that dice. 

Specific learning objectives

  • Learn to deal with winning and losing in a competitive game.
  • Learn to be patient.
  • Practice on counting. 

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