What time is it?

A game for to learn about the concept of 'time'.

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GreekThis game was automatically translated from Greek. View in original language.

Everything you need to play this game

  • Cardboard (50 x 20 cm)
  • Paints or markers
  • Drawing pin (thumbtack)
  • Pair of scissors

Make it yourself


Step 1


We take the big cardboard. We work in a horizontal position. At the top we write the title "Clock".

In the middle part we form a circle (colors or markers). Divide the circle into 12 parts, and write the numbers 1-12 in each part of the circle. A clock will be painted at the end.


Step 2


We take the little cardboard. On the board we form a small arrow and a large arrow. Cut with the scissors the arrows, which will be the timer and the picker. We paint them in different colors.

We place the drawing pin in the middle of the circle (the clock of the previous step).


Step 3


The clock is ready!

Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


We divide the children into groups of 2-3 people.


We have the role of "presenter". On the clock we place the hands of the clock in a certain position.


We ask each team individually to tell us the time.


The winning team is the one with the most correct answers.

Extra game information

The game can be played both as a team and individually.


  • To make the game easy, we place the hand of the clock in the exact position of a quarter or a half.

  • To make the activity difficult, we place the hands of the clock in all positions.

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