The dam

An active game for large groups.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Ribbon or chalk

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Define a playing field with a minimum width of 5 meters and a minimum length of 20 meters.


The playing field can be drawn with chalk on the asphalt or can be drawn using the ribbon.


A child will be chosen to be the starting stone of the dam. He will sit in the middle of the playing field and is allowed to move only left and/or right in the playing field. (He is not allowed to move backwards and forward).


The other children will run the along the "corridor" and have to avoid being touched by the child in the middle.


The children who are touched will remain in the dam (the middle of the corridor) for the next round.


Children who are not touched will run to the end of the playing field. When everyone has reached the end of the field, everyone runs back and will avoid being touched by the children in the middle.


The game continues until there is only one child who can run.

Extra game information

Hard contact between children should be avoided. Children will be explained ahead that they are not allowed to push or hit other children.

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