
Nice game, few rules, no materials

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Everything you need to play this game

  • A tree and other hiding spots

A step-by-step guide to play the game


One person from the group is designated as the counter. All other players have 30 seconds to hide at the beginning. The counter stands on a tree, touches it and with closed eyes counts loudly to 30. During this time everyone else is hiding.


When the counter has finished counting, he can open his eyes again. Now he has to find the others who are hiding. But he must not lose contact with the tree. That means he has to touch it all the time and can basically only go around the tree to look for those who are hidden. Anyone found can support the counter in the next round. If the counter cannot find any more people, he has to shout "Contact" and close his eyes again. All those eliminated in this round can also touch the tree and close their eyes.


Now the counter only counts loudly to 25. While the counter counts to 25, everyone who is hidden has to come out of their hiding place, run to the counter, touch him lightly on the arm / back and hide again.


When the counter has counted to 25, he and his helpers can open their eyes again and together they try to look for those who are hidden again without letting go of the tree.

The game continues like this, counting 5 seconds less, so in the next round only until 20 and so on, until all have been found. The one that is found last can be the new counter.

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