Group Steps

A fun team building game about cooperation, communication and movements.

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


The whole group makes a line in front of the educator.

The educator sets a goal. (e.g. The nearest wall)


The group will start walking towards the goal, step by step.

A person can make only one step every time they move.


If somebody tries to make a step while an other person also tries also to make a step, the game is over and the whole group will have to start again.

Extra game information

Its a theatrical game, that requires a relaxed atmosphere.

Specific learning objectives

The goals of this game is to cooperate with all the group, focusing in non verbal comunication.

What people said about this game

Lies De Vocht

Content & Communication Officer StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

18 February, 2020


A really cool game to test the group dynamics and cooperation skills. Looking forward to try this one!

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