The conductor of the recycle orchestra

Who will be the conductor?

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RomanianThis game was automatically translated from Romanian. View in original language.

Everything you need to play this game

  • Recyclable materials (sheets, cardboard, sticks, etc.)
  • Chairs
  • Various objects around

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Use the recyclable materials to create different sounds (by beating, cracking, moving, etc.). Use also the surrounding objects or your body to make different sounds (clapping, kicking, using different interjections, etc.).


One person is the conductor, and the other participants choose the sound they will reproduce or the sequence of movements.


The conductor coordinates the orchestra, using directions established in the group:

  • to determine the order
  • the combination and the rhythm

in which the movements and sounds will be played.

What people said about this game

Mobile School NPO

Mobile School NPO BE

31 October, 2019


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