Penguins Scape

Run and chase game. Very fun and fast game for young kids.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Rings of different colours

Make it yourself


Step 1

Create the color rings
  • Cut a big carton ring
  • Colour the rings with different colours
Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Spread the colored rings over the place.

The rings will be the penguins nest.


Share the roles:

  • The educators will be the "bear".
  • The kids will be the penguins and at the beginning they will be all in their nest (inside the rings).

To start the game, the "Bears" will start clapping.

The penguins will go out of their nests and start dancing around when they hear the clapping.


The "Bears" will stop clapping and they will yell a colour.

The Penguins should run to the assigned coloured nest to hide for the bears.

The Bears will chase the penguins.


If a Bear is able to catch a penguin, this penguin will become a bear.

The game ends when all the penguins are Bears.

Specific learning objectives

Basic motor skills, attention and colours.

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