What time is it, Mr. Wolf?

Fun energizing game

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


Invite the participants to sit in a circle to explain the rules and use a larger space for this activity. Introduce the rules of the game.


Players will line up at the end of the field (= play space). One participant will be chosen to be Mister Wolf and will stand at the other end of the field, with his back to the players. The wolf is not allowed to look back, only when he says "it's time for dinner" he can turn around.


Players will ask "What time is it, Mr. Wolf?" The wolf will answer with a chosen hour, and players will take a number of steps equivalent to the time the wolf said. Determine with the players what the size of a step is.


When Mister Wolf says "Dinner time", all players will run back to the starting line trying not to be caught by Mister Wolf. If the Wolf catches someone, that person will also become Wolf. The last person who manages not to be caught, is the winner.

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