Find The Missing Symbol (Sudoku)

Learn the method of sudoku by using this mathematics fill out panel.

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Start with the first group of symbols. The player looks at the different symbols that are already there. 


He now looks for the missing symbol and draws that symbol next to the panel on the blackboard or on a piece of paper.


Repeat with the other groups of symbols. 

Extra game information

This panel is the easiest of the sudoku panels and can be used to explain the method of sudoku. 


Combine with the MATHEMATICS G L1a panel. Write the number for each corresponding symbol. The player fills in the number which is missing. 

Specific learning objectives

  • Ability to differentiate between different symbols.
  • Enhance problem solving skills.
  • Increase logical thinking.

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