Step-by-step drawings

Learn to draw figures/faces step by step with these creative fill out panels.

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


The player explores the game board. Ask questions:

  • What do you see?
  • Which parts are the pictures made of? 

Distinguish the outline, the eyes, the nose, the mouth,... together. 


The player now copies the figure/faces on the game board step by step. 


He compares his drawing(s) with the drawing(s) on the game board and explains what he found easy/difficult to draw. 


  • One player copies a figure/face but deliberately makes several mistakes. The other players try to find the mistakes.
  • The players each design their own step-by-step picture. The other players copy it.
  • CRAFTS A3: The players imitate the expressions of the faces on the panel. Ask what emotion they are expressing and when they felt/feel that way. 

Specific learning objectives

  • Develop fine motor skills.
  • Learn to work with precision. 

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