
Come along and find out which item is missing!

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GreekThis game was automatically translated from Greek. View in original language.

Everything you need to play this game

  • 1 pencil
  • 1 eraser
  • 1 scissors
  • 1 ruler
  • 1 clip
  • 1 marker

A step-by-step guide to play the game

  • We sit in a circle and in the middle we put the objects.
  • We explain to the children what the objects in the middle are, in case they do not know any.
  • We then ask the first child to observe the objects for 20 seconds.
  • When he observed them well he goes out of the room or leaves the room where the objects are.
  • The next child in the row chooses an object he will hide for the first child.
  • Once this is done we ask the first child to come back in and look at the objects for 20 seconds to find out which one is missing.
  • If he guesses correctly, he earns 1 point!

Extra game information

  • The objects and observation time we give to children can change depending on the age of the children and the place in which they are.
  • You can also hide more than one object if the participants find the game too easy.

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