Say it in your language

A fun card game where you can learn some words in foreign languages!

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Everything you need to play this game

  • 10 white cards or 10 sheets of paper
  • Pencils

A step-by-step guide to play the game

  • Give to all of the participants a piece of paper and tell them to write a word or a sentence in his/her language

Gather all the papers and give them back to the participants. Watch out, to give foreign words to everyone.


Ask every participant to say the written word or sentence in his/language.

The others should repeat it.


In the end of the game you can ask again some words and observe who will remember them in a foreign language.

Extra game information

It is preferable if the group seats in a circle in order to have better contact with each other.


This game will become more interesting if you give to the participants a specific theme (for example WAR, SEXUALITY, ENVIRONMENT, EQUALITY etc.) and ask them to write words or sentences which represent those topics.

Specific learning objectives

  • Learn words in foreign languages
  • Respect the other languages and cultures

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