Enjoy Well- and Mudness

Playing with mud!

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DutchThis game was automatically translated from Dutch. View in original language.

Everything you need to play this game

  • mud
  • water
  • straw bales
  • lashing straps
  • sail
  • large wash basin to heat water
  • pajamas
  • herbs
  • paint
  • dyes/ colourant
  • brushes

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Piglet Kitty her favorite activities in the Wel- en Mudness centre:

  • Heated mud bath. Drape a blue sail over a construction (straw bales, scooped sandpit, old swimming pool), fill it with mud and lots of warm water so that you can enjoy it.
  • Make perfumed mud by adding different fragrances (essential oils, fresh herbs, dried herbs, shampoo) to the mud.
  • Add color to the mud bath by mixing it with the standard kids' paint.
  • Mud henna tattoos: Make sure the mud is strong enough and paint tattoos with brushes.
  • Allow yourself to be completely covered with mud and then wrapped in household foil. Then go sunbathing or do aerobics. The ideal wellness exercise.
  • After a wonderful mud bath you can be completely cleaned by a garden hose. Tip: if you want hot water from your garden hose, put it in the sun for a while. The water in the hose heats up and the first to be cleaned enjoys an amazing hot shower.

Extra game information

If you heat up water to add to the mud bath, make sure it doesn't boil! ALWAYS check the water temperature before pouring it over children.

The use of essential oils and herbs is very pleasant but can cause irritation when children rub it in their eyes or mouth. Always provide a bucket of pure water so that children can rinse their eyes and mouth at any time.

What people said about this game

Mobile School NPO

Mobile School NPO BE

30 October, 2019


Dit lijkt ons een geweldig spel! Keitof om met modder te kunnen spelen.

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