Sardines aka Backwards Hide-and-seek

Hide-and-seek with a twist, to make it even more hilarious and fun!

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


First, set the boundaries for your playing area.


Choose one player to be "it". That player will run away and hide anywhere he wants. The other players all close their eyes and count out loud till 20 (or more, depending on the size of the playing area).


When the players are done counting, they call out, “Ready or not, here we come!”. Everyone splits up and tries to find the hidden person as quickly as possible.


When someone finds the hidden person, the game is not over! He quietly hides alongside him, making sure no other player is watching.


When another player finds the hiding spot, he joins in too, etc. Over time, several people will be hidden together, resembling a bunch of sardines.


The last person to find the hidden person is the new "it", and a new round starts!

Extra game information

If there is no more room left in the original hiding spot (e.g. a closet), players should do their best to hide close by.  

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