Human Knot

Fun game of collaboration and problem solving.

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


The game is played by 3 to 30 people. Initially, children form a circle.


With our right hand we hold the hand of a child of our choice, besides our neighbor.


We do the same with the left hand, being careful not to touch the hand of our neighbor.


We are now tied to a knot. With the cooperation and guidance of the trainer we can solve it.


This can be done by going over or under the arms of other children, bending or lowering their bodies but with nothing left to do.


If they fail to untie the knot, they can try again.


If we succeed, we form a nice circle once again

What people said about this game

Natasa Efremidou

Social Worker Ladies Union of Drama- House of Open Hospitality GR

21 November, 2019


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