Mouse Tail

Catch the most tails without losing yours!

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Everything you need to play this game

  • A piece of cloth for each player

A step-by-step guide to play the game


The players should be in a wide space where they can run freely.


Each player will be given a piece of cloth, which they attach at the back of their pants: in their waistbands or in a back pocket. 


The players will try to catch the tails (the pieces of cloth) from the other players, while trying to protect their tail from the other players.


When a player loses his tail, he is out and has to leave the game.


The last remaining player with a mouse tail wins the game!

Extra game information

Clearly define the area where the players can and cannot run.


  • If the playing field is small, the players can sit down to protect their tails.
  • Instead of playing the game with a piece of cloth, you can tie a balloon to each player's foot.
  • If the group is large, the game can be played in pairs. One player stands behind the other player and holds him. Only the player in front can take the tails of other players, while the player in the back is in charge of protecting the mouse tail.

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