Saving the whole crew

The group will learn to work as a team with this fun dynamic. They only have 60 seconds to save themselves from destruction!

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Everything you need to play this game

  • A long rope

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Before giving instructions, educators should tie a long rope from one pole (or tree) to another pole more or less on the height of the belly buttons of the participants.


Once the rope is installed, the educator in charge will ask the whole group to imagine that they are in a spaceship - It is important that the educator uses his imagination to describe "a science fiction scene" (Example: Juan is the conductor of the ship and takes us through the galaxy at full speed "-


After several imaginary situations, the educator will shout that the ship had an accident and all crew members must leave the ship in less than 60 seconds or they will be left into space.


To save themselves from this situation, ALL the children of the group must cross the rope ABOVE IT AND WITHOUT TOUCHING IT; It is prohibited to go under the rope.

If someone touches the rope or fails to cross the rope when the 60 seconds are over, THE WHOLE crew fails the challenge.

The goal of the game is to learn that together they can think of a strategy to be able to pass.


Usually the first time they fail to do it on time or make many mistakes. That's why you can give the crew a second or third chance to rethink their strategy.

Extra game information

The rope should be at a height slightly above the children's belly button.


You can increase the height of the rope in each attempt or reduce the challenge time.

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