Take the egg and run!

A fun race game with an extra difficulty: EGGS!

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Eggs
  • Spoons
  • 2 egg cups
  • 1 table

A step-by-step guide to play the game

  • Make 2 groups and put them in lines, one behind the other and put them on the "START" line
  • On the "FINISH" line, you put a table and the 2 egg cups

  • Give to every child a spoon and an egg
  • Tell them to keep the spoon with their mouth and balance the egg on it.

  • When the race starts:

One child from each group should run until the "FINISH" line with the spoon in its mouth and the egg on top of the spoon, without breaking the egg.

  • Then he should put the egg in the egg cup and run quickly back to his line by tagging the next child, in order to do the same.
  • The winning team is the one, which gathers the most eggs in the less time.


  • Smaller/ younger children can keep the spoon with their hands.

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