Launch and Win

Show your skills, insert the hoops, earn points, challenge your friends.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Wooden board with a 59 x 59 cm base
  • 6 Wooden strips 50 cm long x 2 cm wide
  • 30 wooden sticks of 5 cm
  • Drill
  • White glue
  • Reusable material rings (hose 1 cm in diameter)
  • Marker to mark the amount of value on the wooden strips.
  • Oil or enamel paint (color of your choice)

Make it yourself


Step 1

Game Base

In the 59 x 59 cm wooden board, make eight perforations, using as a template one of the panels of the mobile school that has the same measurements. These perforations are to attach the panel on the school.


Step 2


Make 5 perforations with the drill with the diameter of the sticks, in each wooden strip leaving a distance of 5 cm to the edge and then between each wooden stick a distance of 8 cm, leaving at the end also a distance of 5 cm.


Step 3

Pick up sticks

Insert a stick in the wooden strip into the perforation with white glue. In total you should add 5 sticks per strip. Let it dry.


Step 4

Stick the strips

When the strips are dry, stick them on the base at a distance of 9 cm with an inclination of 45º


Step 5


Paint and let the wooden base dry: the 5 strips and the sticks.


Step 6


When the wood is dry, mark the different scores.


Step 7


Make 10 to 15 rings with a diameter of 8 cm with the hose. Stick the rings together.

Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Place the game on a mobile school board.


A line is marked approximately 2 meters away from the board with a chalk or a stick on the floor depending on the place. From there you can throw the rings. (NOTE: the distance may vary depending on the age of the participants)


The rings are distributed among the participants. Each player will throw three rings and at the end of the round the amount of points earned will be added. (The number of rings will be distributed according to the number of participants).


The name of each player will be noted on the board to keep record of the points.


The player with the highest score wins.


  • The participants will agree on the number of rounds, the distance, the time of the game.
  • It can also be combined with another collaboration panel.
  • If the participants are with a lot, you can form multiple teams.

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