Covid Feelings Thermometer

Reflect on the experiences your target group lived through during this pandemic, in order to share our feelings and learn from them.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Emotional thermometer
  • Optional: mobile school theater window

Make it yourself


Step 1

Create thermometer
  1. According to your target group and needs, choose what your thermometer will be like.
  2. Choose the most suitable material for your context.
  3. Make a thermometer that is as specific as possible with the intention of helping to identify emotions and which allows a dialogue with children and youngsters.
Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Gather a group of children or youngsters.


Ask them to perform a small performance or role play of one day during the pandemic.


Ask them to use the feelings thermometer within the role play to show which emotions appeared during the different things they experienced.


The street educator writes the emotions on a blackboard while the children name them. It is important to just write down what the children say and to not interpret or assume emotions they do not mention.


This is one of the most important steps.

At the end of each role play, the street educator tries to expand the emotion(s) that were mentioned through a pleasant dialogue. He can ask where in the body the children felt the emotions; ask them to describe the emotion as best as they can, where they felt it and what else they felt. Through his interventions, the street educator can confirm and expand their emotions and help the children identify and give a meaning to what they lived through.

Extra game information

It will help the children and youngsters a lot if the educator also shares his emotions and how he experienced them, to modulate the activity a little, so the children are motivated to take part.


  • If there is no group of children, you can talk to the children about emotions during Covid using the thermometer.
  • You can use one of the Mobile School panels on emotions (e.g.
  • You can use puppets for the role plays.
  • You can prepare a number of hypothetical situations in advance, hand them out to the players at random and ask them to act out their situation.

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