The jackpot

Fun game around the school for kids and adults.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Chalks
  • Mobile school
  • Bottle caps
  • MOV TYPE B # 2 panel

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Draw 6 circles of different sizes on the floor next to the school with chalk. The circles should be equally distanced from each other. Each circle represents a value. This is the amount of points that you can win.


Draw a line from where the participants will throw the bottle caps. They should aim with the bottle caps to throw into a circle, obtaining the highest score.


Draw a scoreboard on the mobile school.


Each player can throw 5 times. The scores are kept on the scoreboard. At the end of the game, they add up their scores and the player with the lowest score should do a physical activity .

Extra game information

The difficulty level may vary according to age.


The size of the circle also depends on the group of participants.

Mathematical, linguistic or memorization challenges may be included.

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