The rattle of my country. Recycling for rhythm and joy.

Recycle, cut, paste and shake.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Cardboard tubes, they can be toilet paper rolls
  • Crepe paper colored according to the colors of the country's flag.
  • Cardboard circles
  • White glue
  • Pair of scissors
  • Seeds such as lentils, beans, or pebbles
  • Wooden sticks
  • Scotch tape

Make it yourself


Step 1

Strips of paper
  1. Cut out 2cm strips of colored paper.

Step 2

Cardboard circles
  1. Draw circles according to the diameter of the toilet paper roll tube.
  2. Cut two circles for each tube.
Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Collect cardboard tubes (toilet paper rolls) according to the number of participants.


Cut out strips of colored paper and roll between the palms of your hands, making the strips thinner as you roll them.


Cover and glue one end of the tube with the cardboard circles.


Place a few seeds or pebbles inside the cardboard tube.


Cover and glue the other end of the tube with another cardboard circle.


Insert the wooden stick, if necessary, secure it with adhesive tape.


Give each child the corresponding strips of paper. Ask them to smear the cardboard tube with white glue. Ask them to cover the cardboard tube with the strips of paper.


Now you are ready to shake and enjoy the beat.

Once the rattles are ready, meet in a circle and together make a club for your country.


  • The game can be played on national days.
  • Print the country's shields, decorate and glue the rattle.
  • Discuss the situation in the country.
  • Talk about national holidays.
  • Create other instruments with recyclable material and have a party.
  • Combine with MUSIC A1 panel.
  • Combine with MUSIC A3 panel.

Specific learning objectives

  1. Know and learn more about your country.
  2. Reuse material for various activities.
  3. Share and have fun to the rhythm of the created sounds.
  4. Learn about musical instruments.

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