The game of the blind

A fun team game that requires good cooperation between the players. Accompanied by percussion instruments.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Percussion instruments and a scarf

A step-by-step guide to play the game


The blind man moves away from the space until we hide an object (our treasure). When he returns, we cover his eyes with the scarf or hat. The objective of the game is to lead the blind man to the treasure. But how will this be done when our blind man sees nothing? This is where our orchestra takes action. The orchestra consists of 4 or more children holding a percussion instrument each. Each instrument indicates a direction to the blind man. For example, when the blind man hears the drum he should go forward, when he hears the maracas he should go back, etc.

Extra game information

Of course, as soon as the sound stops, the blind person stops moving. As soon as we lead him to the treasure, we uncover his eyes.

We make sure that all children learn the direction indicated by each instrument. So, before the game starts, we ask them to close their eyes and shout in the right direction depending on the instrument they hear each time. Before we start, turn the blind man 2 or 3 times to lose his orientation. The teacher or a child holds the blind man by the shoulders so that he does not fall or hit someone. The teacher should conduct - coordinates the orchestra so that they do not play 2 or even 3 instruments at the same time and confuse the blind man.

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