Who am I?

Discover mutual differences and similarities in your group.

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DutchThis game was automatically translated from Dutch. View in original language.

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Everyone is together in one group.


You ask questions to which the participants must answer 'yes' or 'no'.

For example, choose questions that have a certain cultural content.

Example questions:

  • Do you take your shoes off at home?
  • Do you eat at home with the other family members?
  • Do you watch TV every day?
  • Do you eat meat every day?
  • Do you pray at home?
  • Do any other family members live in your house?

After each question, the group splits into a group that answered "yes" and a group that answered "no."

You do this until everyone is ultimately alone.


Have a follow-up discussion with the group.

You can focus on the fact that there are many similarities between people, but everyone is ultimately different. Or vice versa: that people who are different at first sight also have a lot in common.


Everyone sits in a circle on a chair. You ask a question. If you can answer 'yes', sit on the lap of your left neighbor. The same happens with the following questions. If someone is sitting on your lap, he has to move.

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