What do we have in common?

How quickly do you feel familiar with each other?

1 ratings & comments

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DutchThis game was automatically translated from Dutch. View in original language.

A step-by-step guide to play the game


All participants walk through the space.


Address a person you don't know or don't know very well. Talk to each other until you discover a common feature.


Then you walk back through the room. Repeat this with 3 people.

Extra game information

  • Depending on the participants you can choose as game supervisor whether or not they can use their appearance as a common feature.
  • If you want to make the game a bit more difficult, participants can find 2 or 3 common features per person with whom they form a pair.

What people said about this game

Joke Verreth

Partnership Coordinator Europe & Latin America StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

20 March, 2020


This is a perfect game to get to know each other (better) in a relaxed way. You can easily make the game more difficult by adding more things players need to find in common or by challenging them to find something in common that is as specific as possible: e.g.: "We both have two older brothers and one younger sister", "Our shoe size is 41", "Our favourite toy as a kid was a stuffed bunny",... =)

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