Relaxation Exercise: Standing like a Tree

Stand like a tree to feel strong and resilient.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • - Relaxation music (optional)

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Bring the players together in a group. Tell them to choose a comfortable spot, ensuring there is at least 2 meters of space between each person.


Explain that the exercise you will do is helpful when you feel agitated, stressed, sad or anxious.


Begin the exercise by telling everyone to follow upcoming the instructions.


Read out loud the following instructions accurately:

  • Stand with your legs slightly apart, establishing a strong, stable stance like the base of a tree.
  • Deeply breathe in and breathe out three times.
  • Close your eyes and listen quietly to the surrounding sounds.
  • - Imagine you are a big tree. Feel your feet standing on the gorund. Stamp a few times with your feet.

  • Stand still and imagine roots growing from your feet deep into the ground, strengthening their connection with the earth.
  • Everytime you breathe in, the roots grow further and further into the ground.
  • Imagine that the sun is shining down on your head. Branches are growing from your shoulders and your head, reaching up towards the sky. Feel the warmth of the sun energizing the crown of your tree, bringing lightness and calm to your minds.
  • Now imagine a gentle breeze. The upper half of your body will sway slightly. Move gently and feel how relaxed your trunk and branches move with the wind.
  • When you are ready, slowly move your fingers and toes, stretch your arms and slowly open your eyes.

Extra game information

Remember to express the instructions in a calm manner. 

Don't forget to make pauses for giving time to the participants.


De speeltuin van de therapeut. Dominiek huis in 't Veld-Verhoeven

De wensster Marnete Vliegas 


  • Use a short version of this relaxation exercise to facilitate a breathing exercise. Imagine a tree to inhale from the feet (roots) and exhale from the head (crown).
  • - Draw a tree and relate every part of the tree with something. For example: roots = people that support me; truck = beliefs/values/things that make me who I am; branches/leaves = things I am good at, things that I love and want to nurture ...                               

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