Basic Emotions • Discussion

Learn to understand the meaning of feelings with this creative panel about emotions.

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Make sure there is enough space next to the panel to write. 


Look at the four emotions and identify them together with the players. 


Start a discussion. Write down the emotions and the situations next to the panel. Suggested questions:

  • What do you think happened here?
  • Why is this person angry/sad/afraid/happy?
  • When do you feel like this?
  • How do you behave when you experience this emotion?

Extra game information

On the panel, you can see the four basic emotions.

  1. In the left upper corner: anger
  2. In the right upper corner: sadness
  3. In the left bottom corner: fear
  4. In the right bottom corner: happiness. 


Use this panel when something happens during your session to identify emotions and talk about what happened. 

Specific learning objectives

  • Understand feelings and emotions, what they mean, where they come from, ...
  • Notice the feelings of other people and assess and understand their reactions and behaviour

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