Choir master

Large group, funny energizer!

1 valoraciones y comentarios

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Everyone is sitting or standing in a circle. One participant leaves for a while (can't see and hear the others). In the group someone is appointed as the choir master.


The choirmaster plays on several improvised musical instruments without making sound. The others need to attempt to repeat his movements as soon as possible. The choir master has to change instruments all the time and the others keep on copying him.


The person who left the group is called back and he now has to find the choir master by observing the group. The others try to avoid this happening.


When the choir master is detected, you appoint a new person to leave the game and repeat te energizer.

Lo que la gente dijo sobre este juego

Rob Sweldens

Manager StreetSmart Mobile School NPO BE

22 agosto, 2019


Cool game Arnoud! Will definitely bring a lot of fun and energy to the group.

Sea el primero en escribir un comentario

¿Ha jugado el juego Choir master?

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