Hand clap

Very funny game to focus and boost the energy in a group.

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Everyone is sitting in a circle with their hands on the table or on the ground. You place your right hand over the left hand of your right neighbour and you place your left hand over the right hand of your left neighbour. Once this is done, the game can start.


Someone starts and hits the table with his hand. The hand next to his hand (clockwise) follows and hits the table. This continues around the circle.


If someone makes a mistake or reacts to slow they need to take the hand (that made the mistake) out of the circle. If you hit twice (2X) you change directions (clockwise becomes anti-clockwise and vice versa). If you knock three times (3X) the next player has to skip that round and the player next to him has to continue.

Play until only 2 players are left in the game. They win!!!

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