Detalles del juego
¿Ve algún contenido ofensivo? ¿Sospecha una violación de la propiedad intelectual? No lo dude e infórmenos. Necesitamos su apoyo para mantener esta plataforma segura y fiable. Nuestro personal de StreetSmart revisará todos los juegos y usuarios denunciados dos veces por semana y evaluará si violan nuestros términos y condiciones.
Este es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.
Paso 1
The total of the game consists of 6 items:
Paso 2
Paso 3
Paso 4
Select the type of calculation with the selector. Depending on the level of the player, the player can select the type of calculation or the instructor chooses it.
Rotate both spinning discs.
For level 1: use the inner circle numbers
For level 2: use the outer circle numbers
(multiplication is always level 2)
The player performs the calculation on the blackboard.
Evaluation of the calculation with the calculator by the player.
If correct, proceed to next step. If wrong, the other player can spin the discs and try to solve.
If correct: slide on the scoring board the ball.
For a level 1 calculation: 1 position.
For a level 2 calculation: 2 positions.
(Always move in the direction of the opponents goal).
If you arrive at the goal of the opponent, you win this round.
You can choose to play as many rounds as you want.
For younger children, only use addition and substraction with the inner circle numbers. For older children, you can set the selector.
Si ha jugado este juego, por favor ayude a informar a otras personas haciendo una reseña.
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