Animals • Relay Race

Exercise while imitating animals with this rotation disc.

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Paso 1

Print the rotation disc

Print the rotation disc template attached. Make sure it is printed in full size, or it is scaled the same way as the panel you will use it with.


Paso 2

Cut out the rotation disc and make holes

Cut out the red disc and cut or pinch out the white holes so that answers will be visible through the holes of the rotation disc.


Paso 3

Attach the rotation disc to the panel

Attach the disc to a panel with a split pin. Make sure the arrow is visible. You can now see the answers through the white holes while spinning the rotation disc!

¡Buen trabajo!

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Divide the players into two groups that will compete against each other.


Each player spins the disc to choose an animal to represent (this can also be done per group or per round).


Allow each player to practise and illustrate their animal's specific way of moving.


Determine the race course with a starting and finishing line.


The two groups each form a line behind the starting line.


When the race starts, the first player of each group runs to the finishing line imitating his animal (movement) and then runs back as quickly as possible to the starting line.


When the first player of a group taps the hand of the second player, the second player can start running, imitating his animal, and so on.


The team that finishes first, wins the animal race.

Información extra del juego


The panel depicts eleven adult animals and their babies; three red, yellow, blue and green squares; two white squares with hands and two black squares with feet.


  • Make the game more difficult by creating an obstacle course.
  • The players form pairs. Tie their feet together (the right foot of one player to the left foot of the other player). Both players of each pair spin the rotation disc to choose an animal to imitate (e.g. a horse and a crab). The pairs race each other to the finishing line, all imitating their animals. The pair that reaches the finishing line first, wins the race.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Learn how different animals move
  • Develop gross motor skills
  • Physical exercise

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