The Shark's Island

Players learn about the right to protection after using their imagination to be on a shark island.

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • Small mat

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Gather the players around the room and explain that you are going to tell a story while playing the game. Ask the players to re-enact the story.


"You are at sea, swimming and playing in the water. But suddenly a shark arrives!" The supervisor (= the lifeguard) gives a signal (clapping hands, whistling ...) and shouts "Everyone must get out of the sea!". All players go to the island (a small mat) without their feet off the mat.


"The danger has passed and everyone may return to the water". The lifeguard gives another signal and the players can leave the mat.


"But, the tide is rising and the island begins to disappear under the water little by little." The facilitator folds the mat, so that the surface gets smaller and smaller.


The lifeguard gives the signal again and the players must again try to reach the island without leaving anyone in the sea.


If one or more children are left in the water (one foot over the edge of the mat) and are eaten by the sharks, the whole group must do a lump sum action: for example, sing a song, run around the playing field three times, make a human pyramid, etc. The children must find a way to work together and manage to all find a place on the mat.


When the game is over, end a game with some discussion questions (see additional game information).

Información extra del juego

Discussion questions

This metaphorical game provides an opportunity for discussion:

  • Who are the 'sharks' in their daily lives?
  • Who are their 'rescuers'? 
  • Where are the 'islands' (safe places) or other places where children can feel protected? 
  • How can the children help each other to be safe?
  • It is also possible to discuss the other "dangers of the sea", e.g. the places or situations where the children may be more or less at risk (e.g. on the street, leaving unaccompanied, being a victim of domestic violence, etc.).

Tips for the facilitator

  • The level of difficulty depends on the number of players and the surface area of the mat. It is up to the facilitator to manage and evaluate the players' skills.
  • The facilitator should be clear and strict with instructions: no body part should go over the edge of the mat or touch the floor; this makes the game fun.
  • It is interesting to see what strategies develop. The tendency is often to think only of oneself (e.g. some players sit on the mat without thinking of the others). Individualistic behaviour can be a topic of discussion.
  • It is important to repeat the instruction and encourage players to discuss among themselves to find creative strategies (e.g. holding each other's elbows; balancing on the inner foot, lifting the outer foot; or making a human pyramid, or other shapes).
  • Players must agree to touch each other and accept being touched. Respect for each other and trust are important concepts that the animator should remind the children of.

Source: Meuwly, Michèle, Rennesson, Gaël (2012). Traditional games for child protection. Terre des hommes.

This game is part of the 'All Children, All Right(s)!' toolkit, which focuses on promoting the right to protection.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Developing observing skills
  • Developing strategic thinking
  • Developing cooperation strategies
  • Reinforcing balance or strength

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