Rights Scavenger Hunt

Try to find all the different children’s rights as fast as you can.

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Gather 2 or 3 young players around the general overview poster.


Tell them there are a lot of children’s rights and that you hid a selection of these rights in the space where you are playing.


Give them the card with the selection.


Ask them to go find the rights together.


When they found a right explain it to them in a childfriendly way.


Involve them by asking a personal question (see additional game information).


The players colour the right in the correct colour (optional).

Información extra del juego

  • Art 2. Right to no discrimination -> All children have all these right, no matter if you are a boy or a girl, tall or small, where you live or how you look. In what ways are you similar to your friends? In do you differ?
  • Art 5. Right to family guidance as children develop -> Adults help us with all your rights, as you grow older they have to help you to be more independent. What can do already on your own?
  • Art 7. Right to a name -> What ‘s your name?
  • Art 12. Right to respect for children’s views -> Adults need to listen to you and take you serious. Do you have a good idea that you want to share?
  • Art 13. Right to sharing thoughts freely without being rude or hurting others. Have you even hurt someone?
  • Art 18. Right to responsibility of parents -> right to be taken care of by adults that love you and protect you. Who protects you?
  • Art 19. Right to protection -> If someone hurts you, you have to tell an adult. Who would you tell?
  • Art 24. Right to help when you are sick, clean water to drink and wash, healty food and a safe place to live -> What is your favourite food?
  • Art 28. Right to education -> Do you go to school? What is your favourite subject? What do you really want to learn?
  • Art 31. Right to rest, play, culture, art -> What is your favourite game, song or picture?
  • Art 42. Right to everyone must know children’s rights -> Who can you tell about children’s right?

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