What is missing?

Identify the missing part of certain objects and solve this simple and accessible rotation disc.

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Paso 1

Print the rotation disc

Print the rotation disc template attached. Make sure it is printed in full size, or it is scaled the same way as the panel you will use it with.


Paso 2

Cut out the rotation disc and make holes

Cut out the red disc and cut or pinch out the white holes so that answers will be visible through the holes of the rotation disc.


Paso 3

Attach the rotation disc to the panel

Attach the disc to a panel with a split pin. Make sure the side with the arrow is on top, so the arrow is visible. You can now see all possible answers in the yellow circles while spinning the rotation disc!

¡Buen trabajo!

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


The player looks for the missing part of each object or figure (e.g. face-nose).

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Being able to recognise an entire object and yet also distinguish its individual parts.
  • Being able to sum up all the parts of a certain object and being able to identify the missing part.

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