Groove & Grow

Boost your physical and emotional well-being by a body warm-up, vocal exercises and dancing!

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • Speaker box
  • Music

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.

Part 1 • Body warm-up 

The players stand with their arms at their sides and swing from side to side, making large movements. Perform 10 swings to the left and 10 swings to the right to loosen up the body. 


Next, the players stretch their arms above their heads, making themselves as big as possible. They then swing their arms 10 times forward and 10 times backward, feeling the stretch throughout their upper body. 


Standing with legs together, the players try to touch the ground with stretched legs and hold the position for 10 seconds, helping to stretch the back and legs. 


The players stand on one leg and shake the opposite leg loose to relax the muscles. After a few seconds, they switch legs to ensure balance in relaxation. 


To loosen the hips, the players make circular movements with their hips, turning 5 times to the left and 5 times to the right, enhancing flexibility and mobility. 

Part 2 • Vocal warm-up 

Sing a simple tune like ""lalalala,"" and let the players repeat it back, warming up their vocal cords. 


Sing the tune in different pitches—low, high, quietly, and loudly. The players try to mimic each variation.


Challenge the players to sing louder or quieter than before, and ask them to sing higher or lower, encouraging them to fully explore their vocal abilities. 

Part 3 • Combining singing and dancing 

Let the players choose a popular and upbeat song that they all enjoy and are familiar with. This will make it easier for them to sing along and feel confident. 


Teach the players a few simple dance moves that match the rhythm and mood of the song. These moves don't have to be complex; even simple actions like clapping, spinning, or jumping on the beat can be effective. 


Before combining singing and dancing, practice the dance moves with the music a few times. Ensure all players understand and are comfortable with the movements. 


Now, play the song again and encourage the players to sing along as they perform the dance moves.

Part 4 • Cool down 

End the session with a cool-down period where the players can slowly relax their bodies with gentle stretching. 


Ask the players to share their experiences about what they enjoyed most during the sing and dance celebration.

Información extra del juego

Source: Stresskip. Educatieve spelletjes rond stress. - Joetz vzw


  • Encourage the players to add their own personal flair or additional moves to the dance. 
  • Give the players a chance to create their own dance routines and organise a small showcase where different groups or individuals can perform a song with their own dance moves in front of their peers. 
  • Set up obstacles that the players must dance around or incorporate into their dance routines. 

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Release tension and reduce stress by singing and dancing.

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