Your Op-SPIN-ion

A game to learn that it is ok to have a personal, different opinion, but also that sharing that opinion will not always be an easy thing to do.

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • Coloured chalk
  • Coloured paper
  • Scissors
  • glue
  • pencils
  • split pin
  • large cardboard
  • cardboard

Hazlo usted mismo/a


Paso 1

Make 4 envelopes
  • Use different colours
  • Each one has a different topic: relations/ sexuality, money, drugs and friendship.
  • Decorate the envelopes according to the topic.

Paso 2

Make the spinning disk
  • Cut out a circle
  • Colour it in 4 equal parts.
  • Create the legend on the 4 parts: left hand, right hand, left foot and right foot.
  • Cut out an arrow.
  • Attach it with a split pin.

Paso 3

  • Now invent questions for each envelope, according to the topics. Write them on pieces of paper.
¡Buen trabajo!

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Draw a Twister field on the ground with the coloured chalk.


Player 1 and 2 will play the twister, player 3 stands next to the game board.


Player 3 turns the wheel. The arrow points to one of the four colours (and each colour corresponds with one topic) and one of the four body parts.


Player 3 will pick a question out of the corresponding envelope. Player 1 shares his opinion/ answer to this question. In the Twister-field, he places the

corresponding body-part on the corresponding colour.


Player 3 turns the wheel again. The process starts again, but now it’s player 2’s turn to answer the question and fulfill the same process.


The game continues until one of the two players falls to the ground. The one who manages to keep standing the longest time, is the winner.

Información extra del juego

The panel consists of 4 envelopes with questions on topics (one on relations/sexuality, one on money, one on drugs and one on friendship) and a turning wheel with an arrow pointing to possibly 4 quadrants (each with a colour and a body part: left/right hand/foot). On top, a twister field should be drawn with chalk.


  • Make a bigger twister-field, to allow to play with more players.
  • Make predefined answers to a question, and link different colours/body-parts with each answer => it will cause specific answer to be more (physically) difficult than others, and learn that giving a true, authentic answer will not always be the easiest option (like it is in real life)

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

The awareness that different opinions exist, and that revealing your opinion can sometimes be difficult.

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