The Daily Owl

A simple association game about the days of the week

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Paso 1

Drawing and coloring

Draw the background (a tree with branches) and paint it.


Paso 2

Search the Web

Search the web for images of owls and print them. We need a total of 8 owls. One owl should be larger than the other seven. 


Paso 3

Papercutting and Coloring

Cut the owls (and color them). On the 7 small owls, write the name of the week (Monday, Tuesday…). On the largest owl write the word Week. Then laminate them.


Paso 4


Write in small papers the days of the week and laminate them.


Paso 5

Velcro tape

Place velcro tape on the owls and on small papers with the week days.

¡Buen trabajo!

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Start by talking about the week and the days. You can showcase this in the form of the big owl, the week, as the mother and her seven children, the little owls.


Remove the little owls or the days from the panel.


Ask the participants to put them back by matching the names. 

Información extra del juego

A medium size panel with retractable parts (owls and days) using velcro tape.


  • Remove the little owls and the participants have to mark the day of the intervention with the correct owl.
  • Let the participants associate each day with an activity and discuss them further.
  • Talk about schedules and further expand to the topic of the hour(s)/ time.
  • Use it as a referral for writing down the names of the days.
  • Complementary panels: Any discussion panel that shows any kind of activities or professions, HORA TIPO-A #1

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

Develop an sense of time.

Lo que la gente dijo sobre este juego

Sea el primero en escribir un comentario

Si ha jugado este juego, por favor ayude a informar a otras personas haciendo una reseña.

¿Ha jugado el juego The Daily Owl?

No lo dude, comparta sus comentarios y ayude a otros a elegir los juegos correctos. Cuéntenos cómo fue y cómo reaccionaron los niños, ¿O tiene algún consejo para otros jugadores, una variación divertida, una posible mejora?

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