Shout it Out!

Generate laughter and boost the energy in the group by playing this easy game!

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


All players stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder.


The game leader will give one of two instructions: "heads up" or "heads down".


When the game leader says "heads down", all players must look at their feet.


When the game leader says "heads up", all players look up and immediately look straight at someone else in the circle.

  • When a player looks up at a player who is looking at someone else, nothing happens.
  • When a player looks up at a player who is looking right back at him, however, both players have to point at each other enthusiastically and let out a loud scream.


Players looking at each other are out, so they need to leave the circle after they have screamed. Once they have left, the other players close the circle back up and continue playing.


Keep going until there's only two players left. They are the winners, but of course you can also ask them to look down and look up. That way your game ends with a "bang", or in this case, a loud scream!

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