Flowers and journals

A fun and easy game to split people into different groups.

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • A blindfold (1 for each player)

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


All players put on a blindfold.


The game leader now individually guides each blindfolded player to a place in the playing area and whispers in their ear what they will be selling, either "flowers" or "journals".


When the game leader says "Go!", the players start shouting out their merchandise - "Flowers!" or "Journals!" - and try to find the other players selling the same thing to form a group.


When the groups are complete, the players can take off their blindfolds.

Información extra del juego

It's advisable to think about the group formation before you play the game, depending on which exercises the groups will be doing afterwards. It might, for example, be a good idea not to put all the really expressive players in the same group.


  • To make the game more difficult, you can turn the players around a few times when you are placing them in their spot and make sure they are all facing different directions. You can also add obstacles if you want, as long as you make sure the players will not hurt themselves!
  • If you need to form more groups, just add more types of merchandise, e.g.: candy, umbrellas ,...
  • Instead of different merchandise, you can whisper different animals in the players' ears (e.g. frog, dog and monkey) and ask them to make the noises of their animals to find each other.

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