Memory of the world

Play a memory game about the world and try to remember as many countries as possible with this creative geography panel.

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Attach the two world maps to opposite sides of the mobile school.


The players look at the panel with country names for five minutes. Explain that they should remember as many countries as possible.


The players run to the other side of the mobile school and try to locate as many countries as possible on the blank panel.


The player who has memorised the most countries, wins the game.


  • To make it more difficult: Play the same game, but this time ask the players to memorise the capital cities and/ or the seas and oceans and/or the flags,...
  • Competition in groups: Start at the blank panel. Name a specific country. The players need to run to the other side of the mobile school to locate the country on the written panel and then get back as soon as possible to point it out on the blank panel. When they have indicated the country correctly, they need to find the flag and copy it on the blackboard. The group that finishes first, gets a point. If this is too chaotic, give both groups a different assignment.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

Learn where countries/regions are located.

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