Multilevel Animal Memory

Where do these animals live and what do they eat? Learn more about different animals during this multi-layered memory game.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Carton board
  • Post-its
  • Markers or pens
  • Sliding door system



Étape 1

Create the game board

Take a carton board and divide it into three rows. Each row will contain 12 post-its, so a total of 36 post-its will go on the board.


Étape 2

Create the game board 2

Draw 12 animals on post-its and put them in row 1. Put a post-it on top of the drawings so they are hidden. Then - for each animal - draw a natural habitat and the food this animal eats on a post-it. Paste the 12 habitats in row 2, and the 12 food items in row 3.

Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather a group of players in front of the game board. Ask a player to choose an animal, hidden under the post-its of the first row.


Then the player needs to try and find the corresponding natural habitat of that animal in the second row. Since all the images are hidden by post-its, all players should pay attention to be able to locate the different images.


If the player has found the corresponding image, he/she gets one point. Alternatively - if you want the game to be more difficult - you can ask to find the corresponding food as well in row 3. If the answer is not correct, a second player can open a door from row 1 and row 2 (or row 3).


The game ends when all the animals are linked to their habitats and/or foods.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

This game was developed during a StreetwiZe leadership programme with employees of Telenet, in collaboration with the Red Cross centre for asylum seekers in Pelt.


Thanks to the three layers, the difficulty of the memory game can be adapted to your target group. You can ask the players to link two different rows (animals & habitats, animals & foods, habitats & foods) or you can make the game more difficult by asking the players to find the associations on the three levels (animals, habitats & foods).

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

Sander Degeling

Partnership Coordinator Africa & Asia StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

26 octobre, 2022


Easy, straightforward memory game about animals! The topic can still be adapted if needed, and the fact the game uses three different layers makes it possible to adapt the difficulty level of the activity, depending on your target group.

Rob Sweldens

Manager StreetSmart Mobile School NPO BE

28 octobre, 2022


Entertaining game which will help children to be focused an enjoy while training memory and association skills. Should you recreate this game, be aware that the post-its can be a bit messy to work with and are not very sustainable.

Elke Claes

Kindergarten teacher De Groene School BE

31 octobre, 2022


A nice variation for a memory game, because the players have to find the right associations: which animal eats what? Or lives where? The game has many options and can be used for different ages because of the 3 layers.

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