The Guard Patrol

Find the selected objects from the surveillance footage as quickly as possible.

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Étape 1

Print the materials

Print the list with items from the poster.

Ensure the durability of the materials by printing them on sturdy paper/cardboard or laminate.


Étape 2

Gather concrete materials

Collect all the materials you want the players to find or print out the cards with images.

Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather around a few players before the poster “Camera catchers”


Place the list of items that the players need to look for next to the poster.


Explain that they need to find all the items in a certain time limit.


Start the timer and let the players search for the concrete items or cards around the play area.


Ask the players to put all the items with the correct character.


When the time is up, gather the players and check the items off the list together.


If they found all the items, they win the game!


You can also let the children look for the items on the poster. Can they locate the wanted items on the “Camera catchers”- poster?

For older children you can add more images or hide them better.

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

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