Multiplication table

Learn to memorise and master multiplications up to twelve by using this magnetic multiplication panel.

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Look at the multiplication table. The numbers along the left side and the top (green) are factors. The numbers inside of the table (yellow) are products or the results of the exercises.


The player picks one number from a row, and one number from a specific column and tries to find the product of the two numbers.


The player shares the result with the street educator. Afterwards, he checks if he has found the correct answer. The number in the square where the row and the column meet is the product or the result.


The player places a bottle cap on the result before continuing with another exercise.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

The product of any number multiplied by itself is called a square number. For example: since 6 x 6 = 36, 36 is a square number. The multiplication table shows all the square numbers to 144. Notice that the squares form a diagonal across the multiplication table (see light yellow squares). The products on one side of the diagonal mirror the products on the other side.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Practice multiplications with numbers up to 12.
  • Identify and analyse patterns found within the multiplication table.

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