Give to get

A fun game to practise your negotiation skills and cooperative competition

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Everything you need to play this game

  • DIY GAME#1
  • Bottle caps: if you play the game with 4 players you need:
  • 5 BLUE bottle caps in which you write 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (write one number in every bottle cap)
  • 5 RED bottle caps in which you write 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (write one number inevery bottle cap)
  • 5 GREEN bottle caps in which you write 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (write one number in every bottle cap)
  • 5 BLACK bottle caps in which you write 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (writeone number in every bottle cap)

A step-by-step guide to play the game


All players need to collect the bottle caps from 1 to 5 by exchanging their bottle caps with the other players

  • You only get 10 "chances" (rounds)
  • If you need more, you lose! So don't let the game beat you and play as tactical as possible
  • The basic Give to Get game is easy, but it can be made more difficult by making some small changes (see 'Variations').


The game is played with 3 or 4 players.


Every player receives 5 bottle caps at random.

Arrange them from 1 to 5 and check which numbers are missing.


One player turns the

rotation disc. The colour he lands on, will define the action that needs to be taken:

  • Purple: Negotiate with another player to exchange one of your bottle caps for one of his. The other player can accept or refuse the proposed exchange and can also propose an alternative transaction. The exchange only takes place if both players agree. You can also decide to do nothing at all or suggest an exchange between two other players.
  • Blue: Dominate. Command another player to exchange oneof his pieces for one of yours. You don’t have to negotiate:you can give what you want and take what you want. You can also decide to do nothing at all or suggest an exchange between two other players.
  • Orange: Rock, paper, scissors. Choose a player with whom you want to exchange a bottle cap and tell him which bottle cap you want to exchange. Afterwards, play rock, paper, scissors. If you win, you can exchange the bottle cap you wanted. If you lose, nothing happens.
  • Red: Skip a turn. The group also loses one round

  • Green: To the left! Each player changes places with the player on his left, taking over his series of bottle caps.

The second player now spins the

rotation disc and arranges an exchange, according to the colour he landed on, etc.


The game is over when all players have completed their series or when the group has had their 10 "chances" (rounds). If only one player has completed his puzzle before the 10 rounds are over, the game continues and the player also has to continue playing with the others.


If your group can finish the game in 10 rounds,

you win the game. If not, you lose!

Extra game information

The panel consists of 24 compartments in 5 different colours. Each colour indicates a different action (see 'How to Play').


  • To make the game a bit more difficult, every player can choose a bottle top colour/ a number to collect. Instead of just collecting the numbers from 1 to 5, he will now collect the 5 bottle tops of his colour or number. To win all together, it's best to discuss who will collect which colour or number at the beginning of the game.
  • To make the game even more difficult, hand out 6 bottle caps to each player instead of 5.
  • Come up with your own negotiation rules.

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