🇺🇦 Copy the word

Practise the formation of Cyrillic letters by copying these Ukrainian words with this language fill out poster.

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


The player looks at the first picture and reads the word next to it.


The player now copies the word on the blackboard.


Check the spelling of the word with the player.

Extra game information

This panel is part of the basic LANGUAGE-package in Ukrainian, developed in April 2022. The panels allow youth workers to interact in a simple and fun way with children fleeing the conflict in Ukraine, in order to build a solid connection and trust relationship with them.


  • Cover the word. The player writes it down without looking at the letters.

Specific learning objectives

  • Develop concentration.
  • Stimulate the interest in letters.
  • Train fine motor skills.
  • Practise the formation of letters and the technique of writing.

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