
An easy way to get teenagers to learn spelling

1 ratings & comments

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


  1. Print the picture depicting the conversation from Facebook
  2. Glue it onto a cardboard or other hard surface
  3. Ask the children to write one of their recent conversations

Talk with the child about the content of the conversation:

  • Practice spelling and grammar
  • Talk about the topic he chose
  • Discuss the person to whom he is addressing and the relationship he has with him/her.

Specific learning objectives



Social network

What people said about this game

Joke Verreth

Partnership Coordinator Europe & Latin America StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

6 April, 2020


A great game/template to develop writing skills (spelling and grammar) and to address different topics at the same time: different types of relationships, different types of language use (sending a text vs writing a formal letter), the pros and cons of social media and the dos and dont's when using them, ... Using the Facebook template adds the extra touch needed to make it relevant and attractive for the children.

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