
Language and group play!

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Mobile School
  • Panel mobile school: MS SBTK TYPE E # 2
  • Panel mobile school: MS SBTK TIPO F#2

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Mobile school educators can use any of the suggested panels they want. Instructors should leave plenty of space in the mobile school for children to write. In the intervention area the children are divided into two groups. Each team will be accompanied by a trainer responsible for the implementation of the action. Each team will divide the two large blackboards of the mobile school into six columns. The first column is named NAME, the second ANIMALS, the third THINGS, THE FOURTH COLOR, the Fifth Occupation, and the sixth FOOD.


When the first stage is completed and the teams are ready with their columns, a trainer holds one of the three proposed panels in his hands. Alternatively, each group sends a participant with their eyes closed with their finger on the panel. When he opens his eyes he recognizes the profession and shouts it loudly. If the profession is a police officer, the child shouts the word police officer and the children of the groups with the help of the trainers fill in the word police officer in the PROFESSIONAL column.


The word '' policeman '' starts with P, and the children begin to fill in words beginning with P. In the NAME column: name that starts with P. In the column ANIMAL: animals starting with P and so do the rest of the columns. Children have two minutes. When the two minutes have elapsed, the trainers say stop. The groups say aloud what they have written. When they have the same word they are scored 5, when they are different, they receive 10 points. The team that has the most points wins.

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