Alphabet Game

It is a knowledge race game against time.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Paper and pens

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Each player must have a sheet of paper and a pen.


On the paper you must write:

  • C (country) -
  • C (city) -
  • M (mountain) -
  • W (water - river, ocean etc) -
  • N (human name) -
  • A (animal, bird) -
  • P (plant - flower, vegetable, fruit) -

Choose a letter from the alphabet and start playing


The child that finishes first filling all the words says stop. All the players stop writing and everyone says what he wrote.


If two or more people wrote the same word they get 5 points. 10 points are awarded for answers that are not repeated by anyone else, and if only one person found a word for a specific category and the rest did not, 15 points are awarded for that word.


Sum up the points at the end of each round to determine the winner.

Extra game information

Example of the game with the letter "A":

  • C - Albania
  • C - Algiers
  • M - Alps
  • W - Amazon
  • N-Anna
  • A - Antelope
  • P- Avocado

What people said about this game

Mobile School NPO

Mobile School NPO BE

31 October, 2019


Fun game to learn the alphabet and broaden your general knowledge.

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